The Soul of Rock Comment Policy

Comments are welcomed and encouraged on this site, but there are some instances where comments will be edited or deleted. Comments are subject to the website's terms of use. Violations of this policy may result in comments being deleted and/or commenters being blocked from access to commenting or to the blog entirely.

The Soul of Rock All Rights Reserved: The blog owner reserves the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments. Blog owner has the right to block access to any one or group from commenting or from the entire blog.

Comment Form Guidelines: The comment form must be filled in with a proper or legitimate sounding name and URL. Comments using keywords, spam or splog-like URLs, or suspicious information in the comment form will be deleted. Your comment will not be edited, it will simply be deleted in its entirety.
Links: If you are leaving a comment and want to point to a link on your own or someone else’s site that is relevant to the topic, please feel free to do so. Keep in mind, however, the link must be relevant and add value to the blog and its readers. This blog is set up to automatically hold any comment with more than one link in moderation, which may delay your comment from appearing.

Thank You Comments: Superficial comments that appear to be an attempt to get a backlink or get past comment moderation will be deleted.
Copyright/Plagiarism: If notice is received that a comment contains proprietary, copyrighted or plagiarized information, that comment will be deleted and the commenter may be blocked from further commenting.
Email Privacy: Email addresses are required for commenting, and they are not published on the blog, nor shared. They may be used by the blog owner to privately contact the commenter.

Commenter Privacy and Protection: Comments containing email addresses, physical mail addresses, phone numbers, and any private and personal information will be deleted as soon as possible to protect the privacy of the affected party. To prevent such editing, never share private information within blog comments.

Irrelevant Comments: If a comment is irrelevant to a specific post, it may be moved to another post to which it is relevant, if possible. If no suitable post can be found, it may be deleted.

Comment Spam: Any comment assumed to be possible comment spam will be deleted and marked as comment spam. In addition, it will be reported to services such as Project Honeypot, Botscout and/or Stop Forum Spam.

Thanks for your comment at The Soul of Rock


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